Friday, May 8, 2015

Faith-Based Organizations Warn of Impending Nuclear Disaster

Faith-Based Organizations Warn of Impending Nuclear Disaster | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

Faith-Based Organizations Warn of Impending Nuclear Disaster

Faith-Based Organizations Warn of Impending Nuclear Disaster

Dr. Emily Welty from WCC delivers the interfaith joint statement at the NPT Review Conference. (Credit: Kimiaki Kawai/ SGI)
As the month-long review conference on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) continued into its second week, a coalition of some 50 faith-based organizations (FBOs), anti-nuclear peace activists and civil society organizations (CSOs) was assigned an unenviable task: a brief three-minute presentation warning the world of the disastrous humanitarian consequences of a nuclear attack.
Accomplishing this feat within a rigid time frame, Dr. Emily Welty of the World Council of Churches (WCC) did not mince her words.
Speaking on behalf of the coalition, she told delegates: “We raise our voices in the name of sanity and the shared values of humanity. We reject the immorality of holding whole populations hostage, threatened with a cruel and miserable death.”
And she urged the world’s political leaders to muster the courage needed to break the deepening spirals of mistrust that undermine the viability of human societies and threaten humanity’s shared future.
She said nuclear weapons are incompatible with the values upheld by respective religious traditions – the right of people to live in security and dignity; the commands of conscience and justice; the duty to protect the vulnerable and to exercise the stewardship that will safeguard the planet for future generations.
“Nuclear weapons manifest a total disregard for all these values and commitments,” she declared, warning there is no countervailing imperative – whether of national security, stability in international power relations, or the difficulty of overcoming political inertia – that justifies their continued existence, much less their use.
Led by Peter Prove, director, Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, World Council of Churches, Susi Snyder, Nuclear Disarmament Program Manager PAX and Hirotsugu Terasaki, executive director of Peace Affairs, Soka Gakkai International (SGI), the coalition also included Global Security Institute, Islamic Society of North America, United Church of Christ, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Pax Christi USA and United Religions Initiative.
SGI, one of the relentless advocates of nuclear disarmament, was involved in three international conferences on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons (in Oslo, Norway in March 2013; Nayarit, Mexico in February 2014; and Vienna, Austria, December 2014), and also participated in two inter-faith dialogues on nuclear disarmament (in Washington DC, and Vienna over the last two years).
At both meetings, inter-faith leaders jointly called for the abolition of all nuclear weapons.
The current NPT review conference, which began Apr. 27, is scheduled to conclude May 22, perhaps with an “outcome document” – if it is adopted by consensus.
The review conference also marks the 70th anniversary of the U.S. nuclear attack on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II.
Since August 1945, when both cities were subjected to atomic attacks, Dr Welty told delegates, the continued existence of nuclear weapons has forced humankind to live in the shadow of apocalyptic destruction.
“Their use would not only destroy the past fruits of human civilization, it would disfigure the present and consign future generations to a grim fate.”
For decades, the coalition of FBOs said, the obligation and responsibility of all states to eliminate these weapons of mass destruction has been embodied in Article VI of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
But progress toward the fulfillment of this repeatedly affirmed commitment has been too slow – and today almost imperceptible.
Instead, ongoing modernization programs of the world’s nuclear arsenals is diverting vast resources from limited government budgets when public finances are hard-pressed to meet the needs of human security.
“This situation is unacceptable and cannot be permitted to continue,” the coalition said.
The London Economist pointed out recently that every nuclear power is spending “lavishly to upgrade its atomic arsenal.”
Russia’s defence budget has increased by over 50 percent since 2007, a third of it earmarked for nuclear weapons: twice the share of France.
China is investing in submarines and mobile missile batteries while the United States is seeking Congressional approval for 350 billion dollars for the modernization of its nuclear arsenal.
The world’s five major nuclear powers are the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia – and the non-declared nuclear powers include India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea.
The coalition pledged to: communicate within respective faith communities the inhumane and immoral nature of nuclear weapons and the unacceptable risks they pose, working within and among respective faith traditions to raise awareness of the moral imperative to abolish nuclear weapons; and continue to support international efforts to ban nuclear weapons on humanitarian grounds and call for the early commencement of negotiations by states on a new legal instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons in a forum open to all states and blockable by none.
The coalition also called on the world’s governments to: heed the voices of the world’s hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors) urging the abolition of nuclear weapons, whose suffering must never be visited on any other individual, family or society; take to heart the realities clarified by successive international conferences on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons; take concrete action leading to the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, consistent with existing obligations under the NPT; and associate themselves with the pledge delivered at the Vienna Conference and pursue effective measures to fill the legal gap for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons.

NSA Phone Surveillance Illegal, Federal Court Rules

NSA Phone Surveillance Illegal, Federal Court Rules

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NSA Phone Surveillance Illegal, Federal Court Rules

'This decision is a resounding victory for the rule of law.'
The NSA phone surveillance program revealed in 2013 by Edward Snowden is illegal, a federal appeals court has ruled. (Photo: AP)
A federal appeals court ruled in a landmark decision on Thursday that the bulk telephone surveillance program operated by the U.S. National Security Agency and revealed in 2013 by whistleblower Edward Snowden is illegal.
The Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York said the surveillance program, which swept up billions of phone records and metadata of U.S. citizens for over a decade, "exceeds the scope of what Congress has authorized" under the Patriot Act. The NSA and the government have long held that key provisions of the act, particularly Section 215, justify the surveillance program.
"This decision is a resounding victory for the rule of law. For years, the government secretly spied on millions of innocent Americans based on a shockingly broad interpretation of its authority. The court rightly rejected the government's theory that it may stockpile information on all of us in case that information proves useful in the future."
- ACLU staff attorney Alex Abdo
If the government is correct, it could use Section 215 to collect and store in bulk any other existing metadata available anywhere in the private sector, including metadata associated with financial records, medical records, and electronic communications (including e‐mail and social media information) relating to all Americans. Such expansive development of government repositories of formerly private records would be an unprecedented contraction of the privacy expectations of all Americans," the court wrote in its decision. The ruling also overturns an earlier decision in a case brought by the ACLU in 2013, which said that the program could not be judicially reviewed.
In its 96-page decision, the three-judge panel avoided saying whether the program was unconstitutional. However, the judges warned that as Section 215 and other key provisions of the Patriot Act near their expiration date of June 1, "there will be time then to address appellants' constitutional issues."
ACLU staff attorney Alex Abdo, who argued the case in September, said in response to the ruling, "This decision is a resounding victory for the rule of law. For years, the government secretly spied on millions of innocent Americans based on a shockingly broad interpretation of its authority. The court rightly rejected the government's theory that it may stockpile information on all of us in case that information proves useful in the future. Mass surveillance does not make us any safer, and it is fundamentally incompatible with the privacy necessary in a free society."
The judges continued:
We hold that the text of section 215 cannot bear the weight the government asks us to assign to it, and that it does not authorize the telephone metadata program.
Such a monumental shift in our approach to combating terrorism requires a clearer signal from Congress than a recycling of oft‐used language long held in similar contexts to mean something far narrower.
We conclude that to allow the government to collect phone records only because they may become relevant to a possible authorized investigation in the future fails even the permissive 'relevance' test.
We agree with appellants that the government's argument is 'irreconcilable with the statute's plain text'.
Despite the ruling, the judges said they would not end the collection of domestic phone records while Congress debates Section 215. "In light of the asserted national security interests at stake, we deem it prudent to pause to allow an opportunity for debate in Congress that may (or may not) profoundly alter the legal landscape," they wrote.
In a response to the ruling, ACLU executive director Anthony Romero stated, "The current reform proposals from Congress look anemic in light of the serious issues raised by the Second Circuit. Congress needs to up its reform game if it’s going to address the court’s concerns."
Jameel Jaffer, ACLU deputy legal director and lead counsel in the case, added, "This ruling focuses on the phone-records program, but it has far broader significance, because the same defective legal theory that underlies this program underlies many of the government’s other mass-surveillance program. The ruling warrants a reconsideration of all of those programs, and it underscores once again the need for truly systemic reform."

Global Carbon Levels Surpassed 400 ppm for Entire Month in 2015

It's Official: Global Carbon Levels Surpassed 400 ppm for Entire Month


It's Official: Global Carbon Levels Surpassed 400 ppm for Entire Month

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says level sets new record for world's atmosphere
An animation showing how carbon dioxide moves around the planet. (Screenshot: NASA/YouTube)
Marking yet another grim milestone for an ever-warming planet, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration revealed on Wednesday that, for the first time in recorded history, global levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere averaged over 400 parts per million (ppm) for an entire month—in March 2015.
"This marks the fact that humans burning fossil fuels have caused global carbon dioxide concentrations to rise more than 120 parts per million since pre-industrial times," said Pieter Tans, lead scientist of NOAA’s Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network, in a press statement. "Half of that rise has occurred since 1980."
This is not the first time the benchmark of 400 ppm has been reached.
"We first reported 400 ppm when all of our Arctic sites reached that value in the spring of 2012," explained Tans. "In 2013 the record at NOAA’s Mauna Loa Observatory first crossed the 400 ppm threshold."
However, Tans said that reaching 400 ppm across the planet for an entire month is a "significant milestone."
A tweet released by NOAA on Wednesday shows that this development is consistent with rising levels over recent years.
However, zooming to a wider historical lens shows an even more dramatic increase. During pre-industrial times, CO2 levels were at 280 ppm. Scientists have warned that, in order to achieve safe levels, CO2 must be brought down to a maximum of 350ppm—the number from which the environmental organization derives its name.
Bill Snape, senior counsel to the Center for Biological Diversity, told Common Dreams, "The fact that we are now firmly over 400 ppm for first time in human history indicates to me that we ought to be moving with much more urgency to fix the underlying problem."

Monday, April 13, 2015

CERN Collider – The Stargate of Shiva?

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By William Henry

Right now I almost can see in my mind, a bunch of ATSers jumping in their chairs, in front of the computer and saying “Oh no, another weirdo going nuts about the LHC…” Well, just my two cents that, after read what I’m sharing here, some of you, guys, will stop thinking that the purpose of that gigantic device, is to reproduce the primordial spark of the big-bang and start to figure out what REALLY may be scheduled by this project.
To make my point, if the LHC is or not is a stargate machine, I’ll start talking about another very suspicious object, well known of the ancient Egyptians and that may have had the same purpose of the collider: The Ta-Wer, that means “The Eldest Land”, but is known among UFO researchers as “The Osiris Device”. According to mainstream scholars, the Ta-Wer was a only a mystic symbol that has represented the connection between Abydos and some mythical place in the underworld, interpreted as the “Land of the Dead”.
Well, it’s a common sense among UFO researchers that the Ta-Wer depicted in some paintings, in the walls of Abydos temple, is a structure that could be part of a huge device that activated dimensional portals, stargates or wormholes.
Yeah, now is the time where people here are saying “You gotta be kidding. It’s a boat that has represented the crossing between life and death…” Indeed the scholars have alleged that the boat-like object seen in that painting, was the so called “Boat of Million Years”, used by Ra to travel across the underworld. Is it, really, just a boat??
Above you see a model of cosmic wormhole, that matches with the theory of Kurt Gödel, that due the fact that nothing can travel faster than light, a “shortcut” could be open in certain coordinates of the space, to connect two distant points. A huge amount of energy would produce a huge amount of gravitation that could “bend” the space, forming two light cones interconnected by a space-time tunnel where matter could pass.

Above, you see a close in the right section of the Ta-Wer. Notice that Set is coming out and it seems that his body is twisted or warped. And below you see a 3D render of the Gödel’s stargate. Needless to say it’s just IDENTICAL to the Ta-Wer.
Above you see a group of Neter, “The Watchers”: Isis, identified by Zecharia Sitchin as the Anunnaki goddess NIMAH aka Hathor, plus Osiris, Seth and Horus, identified as sons of MARDUK aka RA. Now is the time where people are saying “What the heck does this have to do with the Large Hadron Collider and Shiva???”
On the radar: The LHC is a particle booster, built to beam up protons in very high speed and opposite directions, until they collide creating a huge amount of energy capable to reproduce similar cosmic conditions that have creating such phenomena as dark matter, antimatter and ultimately the creation of the universe billions of years ago. The scientist team keeps the beam up speed, between 3.5 and 7 TeV (Teraelectron Volts) to reach a collision energy around 90 times to over 500 TeV. They plan increase the speed of beam up around 12 TeV until 2012.
Under the radar:
1) According to Prof Irina Aref’eva and Dr Igor Volovich, both mathematical physicists at the Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow, the energies generated by the subatomic collisions in the LHC may be powerful enough to rip space-time itself, spawning wormholes.
2) According to Fermilab director, Pier Oddone, 7 TeV of beam up speed could cause a collision with energy enough to reproduce to reproduce the conditions of the universe one second after the Big Bang. (Remember that the scientists want reach 12 Tev until 2012)
3) According to a team of brainiac scientists as the Nobel physicist Frank Wilczek, the Astronomer Martin Rees, the physicist Adrian Kent of Cambridge, the space engineer Richard Wagner and the chemist and physicist Ph.D Otto Rossler, the LHC could “turning the planet into a smoking asteroid the size of a baseball park” or “to create a micro black hole swallowing the Earth from the core outwards, if not the sun”, through the generation of a huge amount of energy equivalent to a thermonuclear bomb per second.
You can check this data here and here
My point is that the scientists behind the LHC know EXACTLY what they are doing, despite how they PRETEND they don’t know. They cynically talk as if they were exploiting the coincidences of nature, but that device was built as solid secret purpose. “Give me a glass ball, a crystal ball, then I would know but I don’t know what nature has for us.”
Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer, CERN director.
It’s a common sense, among 99% of the “out of the box” physicists, that the LHC can INDEED produce energy to open wormholes, what turns it in a huge STARGATE device. I’m stating here, that the “quest by God’s particle” is a FALSE FLAG, to something else. Let’s follow the crumbs… <
Above you see a statue of the Hindu “god” SHIVA, right in front of the CERN building, (European Center for Research in Particle Physics) in Geneva. We know that scientists of world wide have been working on LHC development, including Indian scientists, but a 2m high statue of the most feared hindu deity EVER, in front of the LHC facility, seems too odd.

That’s weird… The pictures you see above were taken within the LHC facility… Strange panels with ancient writings assembled onto a structure with some kind of blue beam light surrounding it, that seems to be a movement sensor or something. They could be just fancy messages left by foreign scientists, representing their nations. Some panel seems ancient Mandarin, other some Arab characters, but one particular panel has very strange characters, that don’t seem nothing I’ve seen before and other panel has Sanskrit characters. In India, the only people that read and write Sanskrit, are scholars of Vedas and Upanishads, scriptures written in the “language of the gods”. Why these panels have security sensors around and what are they?? Invocations???
Above, some sections of the LHC, nothing you haven’t seen before. But take a good look to this image:
The mouth of this tunnel, this image seems quite familiar…
… the tunnel’s section resembles the structure where Shiva is always depicted, doing his Anandatandava aka “the cosmic dance”. Now check this out:
Well I really doubt that the statue of Shiva in front to CERN building is a coincidence. I wonder what the ancient Hindu people have testified, to depict this deity attached to some structure identical to the mouth of LHC’s particle tunnel… Just regarding that Zecharia Sitchin has identified the “Lord Shiva” as the Anunnaki first commander ENLIL aka Yahweh, what makes me think if the LHC was developed in order to open a stargate to bring the Anunnaki back to Earth.
450.000 years ago they came in 600. Maybe the next time they will come in thousands or hundred of thousands…


Cowspiracy: As California Faces Drought, Film Links Meat Industry to Water Scarcity & Climate Change

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Cowspiracy: As California Faces Drought, Film Links Meat Industry to Water Scarcity & Climate Change

As California experiences a massive drought, we examine the overlooked link between water shortages, climate change and meat consumption. With some 98 percent of the state suffering from a water crisis, California Gov. Jerry Brown ordered residents and businesses to cut water use by 25 percent. It is the first mandatory statewide reduction in California’s history. One group not facing restrictions is big agriculture, which uses about 80 percent of California’s water. According to The Pacific Institute, 47 percent of a Californians’ water footprint is in meat and dairy products. We are joined by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, directors of the documentary, "Cowspiracy: the Sustainability Secret." The film contends livestock is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption and pollution despite many environmental organizations’ relative silence on the issue.
Image Credit:


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.
AARON MATÉ: One of the worst droughts in decades continues to ravage California. Some 98 percent of the state is now suffering from a water crisis. Last week, California Governor Jerry Brown ordered residents and businesses to cut water use by 25 percent. It’s the first mandatory statewide reduction in California’s history. One group not facing restrictions is big agriculture, which uses about 80 percent of California’s water. Some have criticized Brown for not capping water usage by corporate farms that grow water-intensive crops such as almonds, pistachios, and alfalfa hay which is exported to China to help feed the country’s growing herd of dairy cows. A recent documentary looks at the link between climate change and livestock. The documentary is called, "Cowspiracy: the Sustainability Secret." It contends livestock is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption and pollution despite many environmental organizations’ relative silence on the issue. This is part of the film’s trailer.
DR. RICHARD OPPENLANDER: There is suppression and mismanagement of information everywhere. It abounds.
INTERVIEWEE 1: It starts at the local level, but then it goes all the way to Congress.
INTERVIEWEE 2: When you consider the devastation it’s having on our planet as well as the oceans.
DR. WILL TUTTLE: We’re in the middle of the largest mass extinction of species in 65 million years.
INTERVIEWEE 3: They can dictate the federal policies because they have so much political power.
WILL POTTER: One of the largest industries on the planet, the biggest environment impact, trying to keep us in the dark about how it is operating.
DR. WILL TUTTLE: That’s the one thing no one talks about. You know, everybody goes around and —
RECORDED VOICE: Unfortunately, we are no longer able to fund your film project. We had a meeting and due to the growing controversial subject matter we have some concerns and have to pull out.
WILL POTTER: You’re going up against people who have massive legal resources and you have nothing.
INTERVIEWEE 3: A lot of people just keep their mouth shut because they don’t want to, they don’t want to be the next one with a bullet to their head.
AMY GOODMAN: That was part of the trailer for the recent documentary, "Cowspiracy: the Sustainability Secret." According to The Pacific Institute, 47 percent of a Californian’s water footprint is in meat and dairy products. For more, we go now to San Francisco, California where we’re joined by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn. They are the award-winning directors of the documentary film. Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, welcome to Democracy Now! Talk about what is causing the drought in California and what you have documented, you believe contributes so much to it.
KEEGAN KUHN: You know, the drought in California is being caused primarily from climate change and there is not enough rainfall. Average rainfall has decreased. But really what we’re dealing with is water shortage, not only just a drought. California is using more water than it actually has available to it. And as you said, 47 percent of a California’s water footprint is made up in meat and dairy products. So these are very water intensive products, and that Californians and Americans are consuming which, again, is exacerbating the already drought conditions.
AARON MATÉ: And Keegan, how does livestock compare to other environmental dangers like fracking, for example?
KEEGAN KUHN: You know, fracking is a great example. Fracking gets a lot of attention because of water use. Fracking uses about 100 billion gallons of water every year in the U.S., which is a tremendous amount of water, but animal agriculture uses in excess of 34 trillion gallons. So it’s magnitudes greater. And then again the emissions that come from animal agriculture are about equal to natural gas and petroleum production. So it’s an issue that is vastly more destructive when it comes to water consumption, water pollution, and even emissions.
AMY GOODMAN: Let’s go to a clip from "Cowspiracy." Here our guest, Kip Anderson, the film’s Co-director, explains how much water goes into producing a hamburger.
KIP ANDERSON: I found out that one quarter pound hamburger requires over 660 gallons of water to produce. Here I’ve been taking the short showers trying to save water and to find out just eating one hamburger is equivalent of showering two entire months. So much attention is given to lowering our home water use, yet domestic water use is only 5 percent of what is consumed in the U.S. versus 55 percent for animal agriculture. That’s because it takes upwards of 2500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. I went on the government’s Department of water resources save our water campaign where it outlines behavior changes to help conserve our water like using low flow shower heads, efficient toilets, water saving appliances, and fix leaky faucets and sprinkler heads, but nothing about animal agriculture. When added up, all of the government’s recommendations, I was saving 47 gallons a day but still that is not even close to the 660 gallons of water for just one burger.
AMY GOODMAN: That’s Kip Andersen in the film "Cowspiracy." Kip is with us as well, in San Francisco. So how does the mandate, the 25 percent decrease in water, affect — does it affect animal agriculture, as you call it?
KIP ANDERSON: It actually doesn’t affect animal agriculture. It’s placing restrictions on people using —- on not watering their lawns and doing anything you can. You go to restaurants and you have to ask for water, simple things like this, taking short showers. And another thing we mentioned later in the film is that to produce one gallon of milk takes 1000 gallons of water. So rather than -—
AMY GOODMAN: Why is that?
KIP ANDERSON: — being concerned about having one glass of water, let’s cut down on the dairy as well.
AMY GOODMAN: Why is that? Why does it take that much water?
KIP ANDERSON: It takes that much water because the animals have to be fed grains or feed of some type. Alfalfa is an incredibly water-intensive crop. Actually uses — alfalfa which is fed primarily to livestock — uses 10 percent of all of California’s water — or 15 percent, excuse me. So the water footprint that’s embedded in the products that the animals are eating goes on to animal product and then on to the consumer. So again, looking at a pound of beef in California takes from 2500 to 8000 gallons of water to produce. These are extremely water intensive products.
AMY GOODMAN: Well, in this clip from "Cowspiracy," we hear from a Dr. Richard Oppenlander and Dr. Will Tuttle. They described how animal agriculture is leading to the extension of species and destruction of large swaths of forested land.
DR. RICHARD OPPENLANDER: Concerned researchers of the loss of species agree that the primary cause of loss of species on earth that we are witnessing is due to overgrazing and habitat loss from livestock production on land and by overfishing, which I call phishing in our oceans.
DR. WILL TUTTLE: We are in the middle of the largest mass extinction of species in 65 million years. The rain forest is being cut down at the rate of an acre per second and the driving force behind all of this is animal agriculture, cutting down the forests to graze animals and grow soybeans, genetically engineered soybeans to feed to the cows and pigs and chickens and factory farmed fish.
AARON MATÉ: Keegan, can you comment on this, how livestock actually contributes to the extinction of other parts of the species on a mass scale?
KEEGAN KUHN: You know, it’s the the destruction that’s happening to the entire ecosystems, as Dr. Tuttle says, massive areas of the rain forest, Amazonian rain forest, being cleared for cow production. They look at up to 91 percent of Amazon destruction is linked to animal agriculture in some way, whether clearing land to create grazing or for growing soy and corn that is then fed to those livestock. But it’s also — when you look in the United States, we have public land grazing where animals are grazed on federal lands and those animals then compete with native fauna for vegetation and then they’re also predated on by wolves and coyotes, bears and bobcats. And so the ranchers put pressure on government officials to exterminate. And that’s why we’ve seen a decrease in wolf population and why wolves are being targeted because of their threat or perceived threat to the cattle industry.
AMY GOODMAN: You know, there’s been a lot of discussion about the amount of water it takes to grow almonds. Can you talk about how meat consumption compares to vegetable consumption of water?
KEEGAN KUHN: Absolutely. Ten percent of all water in California is used for almonds, which is a tremendous amount of water. But again, just alfalfa alone, a crop that is not consumed by human beings, that is fed for livestock, consumes 15 percent. California produces 82 percent of the world’s entire almonds. This is — again 10 percent of California’s water is feeding the 82 percent of the world’s almond demands. And the other important fact is that Americans aren’t consuming, and Californians in particular, aren’t consuming nine ounces of almonds per day, which is not the case for animal agriculture. Animal products we’re consuming nine ounces per person per day in the United States. Again the water footprint is vastly greater because of the quantity that we are actually consuming. It takes about 1500 gallons of water to produce a pound of almonds, which is a tremendous amount of water. But again it’s the quantity that we’re actually consuming.
AMY GOODMAN: I want to ask you about the response of environmental groups to your argument. In "Cowspiracy," you interview members of some of the nation’s leading environment or groups. When you ask them, what is the leading cause of environmental degradation, most declined to comment at any length.
ANN NOTTHOFF: The leading cause of environmental degradation is, um —
BRUCE HAMILTON: We need to address that as well.
KAMYAR GUIVETCHI: It is not up to the Department of Water Resources.
CHAD NELSEN: It is hard to actually target one thing.
LINDSEY ALLEN: I don’t necessarily know what it is.
AARON MATÉ: That’s a clip from "Cowspiracy." Kip, your assessment of how the environmental groups have handled this issue of livestock’s effect on the environment?
KIP ANDERSON: It is frustrating. That’s where the film took a turn for — looking to these organizations to tell us the answers and what they’re doing about this. And to find out they’re really not doing anything. You go onto these organizations’ websites and their mission statements and they don’t mention the greatest destruction across the board. It is like one-stop shop for nearly every single environmental destruction that’s happening today is from this one industry, and yet you do not hear about this or they don’t want to talk about this. And the interviews we have in the film, a lot of people, when they see them they’re laughing, but if it’s not so serious it would be a lot more humorous. But it is, it’s very serious. And these are the organizations we have to look at to step up and tell the truth, just to share the information of what’s really going on.
AMY GOODMAN: I want to turn to Will Potter who reports on animal rights and environmental movements. He’s the author of, "Green is the New Red: An Insider’s Account of a Social Movement Under Siege." In this clip from your film, "Cowspiracy," Will Potter discusses the government’s repression of animal rights activists.
WILL POTTER: The animal agriculture industry is one of the most powerful industries on the planet. I think most people in this country are aware of the influence of money and industry on politics, and we really see that clearly on display with this industry in particular. Most people would be shocked to learn that animal rights and environmental activists are the number one domestic terrorism threat according to the FBI.
INTERVIEWER: And why is that?
WILL POTTER: It’s a difficult question to answer, why these groups are at the top of the FBI’s priorities. I think a big part of it is that they, more than really any other social movements today, are directly threatening corporate profits.
AMY GOODMAN: That’s will Potter in the film, "Cowspiracy." And Keegan, if you could respond to that and end with why you call the film "Cowspiracy."
KEEGAN KUHN: There is a tremendous amount of repression activists face for blowing the whistle against this industry. There is a series of ag-gag laws that have been passed around the U.S. that criminalize exposing the atrocities being committed against animals and the environment on factory farms. And this is because the government and this industry work hand-in-hand oftentimes. The government — this industry is so powerful, it can put pressure on Congress to pass legislation that doesn’t benefit consumers and only benefits the industry. We joked around about the title "Cowspiracy" for a while because it just seemed so ridiculous that nobody would talk about this issue. But you know, it really starts to come out and it’s something we explore in the film in depth that this issue is so rooted in so many environmental ills, as Kip said, no matter what issue you care about, whether it’s ocean dead zones, species extinction, habitat destruction, rain forest distraction, literally the list goes on and on, animal agriculture is at the forefront of the issue. Why aren’t these organizations talking about it? And again, it’s something that we explore in depth in the film. And we really encourage people to go to our website,, to find out more and to look at all of the facts. We have a fact sheet on our website,, that has all of the information that we used in the film.
AMY GOODMAN: Well, I want to thank you both, Keegan Kuhn and Kip Andersen, award-winning directors of the documentary film "Cowspiracy: the Sustainability Secret."

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Record low snowpacks in US Southwest in 2015

Record low snowpacks in Southwest is bad news for water supplies

Nine states report record low snowpacks. A report from the US Department of Agriculture states, “the largest snowpack deficits are in record territory for many basins,especially in the Cascades and Sierra Nevada where single – digit percent of normal conditions prevail. Very low snowpacks are reported in most of Washington, all of Oregon, Nevada, California, parts of Arizona, much of Idaho, parts of New Mexico, three basins in Wyoming, one basin in Montana, and most of Utah.” This region is undergoing the warmest winter temperatures since record keeping began in 1895.
“There has been near average precipitation in many areas, but it has mostly been rain. The snowpack normally serves as a natural reservoir, which feeds the rivers during spring snowmelt. The lack of snow will have an impact on streams and reservoirs in much of the west,” said Michael Strobel, Director of the National Water and Climate Center in Portland.
Much of California, Western Nevada and Southeast Oregon are already experiencing extreme drought conditions. This is especially critical in California, which is its fourth year of a drought.
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Prepare for the epic total solar eclipse hitting the US in 2017

Prepare for the epic total solar eclipse hitting the US in 2017

You may have seen a solar eclipse before, but the odds are good that you haven’t witnessed anything like the total solar eclipse that will roll across the contiguous United States a little over two years from now. In fact, if you haven’t already started making your plan for the first great American eclipse of the century, you might already be behind.
If you’ve seen an eclipse in the US, it was probably just a partial eclipse, which astronomy enthusiasts will tell you is nothing compared with seeing a solar eclipse in totality, when our star goes completely black save for its eerie corona, the sky dims and stars can become visible in the daytime.
The last time such a thing was witnessed in the US was 1991…

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Fukushima Radiation Spikes 7,000%

Fukushima Radiation Spikes 7,000% – the MSM is Quiet About it

Cleanup crews trying to mitigate Japan’s never-ending radiation crisis at Fukushima ran into more problems recently after sensors monitoring a drainage gutter detected a huge spike in radiation levels from wastewater pouring into the Pacific Ocean.
The Tokyo Electric Power Company says radiation levels were up to 70 times, or 7,000 percent, higher than normal, prompting an immediate shutdown of the drainage instrument. The first readings came around 10 a.m. local time on February 22, setting off alarms not once but twice as radiation levels spiked to extremely high levels.
“The levels of beta ray-emitting substances, such as strontium-90, measured 5,050 to 7,230 becquerels per liter of water between 10:20 a.m. and 10:50 a.m.,” reported The Japan Times. “TEPCO requires radioactivity levels of groundwater at the plant discharged into the sea to remain below 5 becquerels.”
TEPCO shut off leaky gutter, but radiation continued to spike throughout day
The gutter was quickly decommissioned to prevent further radiation emissions, but the leaks reportedly continued throughout the day, with radiation levels hovering between 10 and 20 times higher than normal. TEPCO says it doesn’t know what caused the sudden radiation spikes.
“With emergency surveys of the plant and monitoring of other sensors, we have no reason to believe tanks storing radioactive waste water have leaked,” stated a plant official to the media. “We have shut the gutter [from pouring water to the bay]. We are currently monitoring the sensors at the gutter and seeing the trend.”
Multiple major leaks reported as Fukushima generates 400 tons of new radioactive waste daily
Just four days prior to the leak, the International Atomic Energy Agency congratulated TEPCO for its continued cleanup efforts at the Fukushima site. This is despite numerous other radiation leaks, some of them quite major, that have occurred in recent months at the shuttered facility.
Back in October 2013, for instance, a failed transfer of radioactive wastewater from one storage tank to another resulted in more than four tons of highly contaminated sludge being dumped into the ground. Not long before this, 300 tons of radioactive waste reportedly leaked from another nearby storage tank.
As we reported earlier in the month, a worker actually died after falling into a radioactive storage tank during a routine inspection. The 33-foot container that swallowed the man is one of many at the site that holds a portion of the 400 tons of highly radioactive water generated daily at Fukushima.
Fukushima workers build one new storage tank daily, but this can’t go on forever
The Japan News reports that large storage tanks capable of holding up to 2,900 tons of contaminated water are constantly being built at the site, up to one new tank daily, in fact. At some point, though, other mitigatory measures will have to be implemented, as there’s only so much space available to build more tanks.
According to The Ecologist, the Reactor 3 fuel storage pond also still contains upwards of 89 metric tons of plutonium-based, mixed-oxide fuel that, should the pond leak or dry up, could result in another major reactor meltdown. Reactor 3, as you may recall, experienced a full meltdown back in 2011 that resulted in the reactor core falling through the floor to the bottom of the containment vessel.
The chart at the following link, which was put together just days after the tsunami and earthquake hit Fukushima, provides a visual breakdown of radiation exposures from various sources. It can be used to quantify the threat associated with each respective leak:
(Ethan Huff | Natural News)
