Saturday, July 16, 2016

Flags at Half Mast???

FLAGS AT HALF MAST???       RE: lemmings over the cliff.....        july 114 20016
letter to the editor:

So, 5 fat, donut eating fascist texas pigs (and lets call them 'pigs', for that's what they are..)
get killed in dallas, texas recently and we fly all the flags at half mast???
Gimme a break!  How many americans die of bee stings, lightning strikes and car crashes in this country every day?  hundreds, thousands, perhaps??

And what of the 150,000 men, women and children who die EVERY DAY on this planet
from hunger, starvation, disease and malnutrition due primarily to AMERICAN corporate
and governmental policy and exploitation worldwide?

Why don't we just fly the flag at half mast ALL THE FUCKING TIME???

Bet yet, why don't we just BURN all these chinese made red, white and blue blood drenched
symbols of death and destruction?  Most of you american brain dead idiot scum fucking morons allow the the New NAZI GESTAPO (the Dept of Homeland Security's TSA) to sexually molest your wives and your daughters at our airports and enter their naked biometric full body scans into their national security state databases anyways.  Goodbye 4th amendment,.

Most of you jellyfish wouldn't know the first thing about preserving, upholding  and protecting
true freedom and liberty in this country!

How many of you cowering, peanut brained, wishy washy, idiot Americans allow the federal government to run ILLEGAL background checks on your firearm purchases, when the 2nd amendment clearly states that the right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!?!?
Goodbye 2nd amendment...

How many of you "soccer moms" allow local, state and federal police state goons to turn your libraries and your schools into prison camps, complete with prison style surveillance cameras, locked gates and steel bar perimeter fences (all in the name of "safety" and "security" for the children, of course...)

Most of you sick, perverted, pathetic American flag waving idiot scum are so diseased you keep voting in the same corporate duopololistic, militarized mafia police state filth whose sole intent is to enslave you and your family and confiscate everything you own, leaving you impoverished and in debt to them for the rest of your lives...

You're finished America.  Gone is your 2nd and 4th amendments that kept you free from state tyranny. Gone now is your 1st amendment right to free speech, proven by the fact that this little editorial letter will be duly censored and crushed by the fascist corporate media complex.  It is precisely this failure to provide balance, justice and correction into the national consciousness that has led to the current judgement and damnation of this nation and most of its people...
Bye, bye miss american pie.  May you rust in peace.

renee dupree
lone pine, california

keywords: EMP strike, Electromagnetic pulse, supervolcanoe explosion, north korean nuclear strike, famine, civil war, asteroid strike, fukushima radiation, drought, desertification, forest fires, floods, snowmageddon, ice age, economic collapse, financial ruin, starvation, mark of the beast

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Sedona Arizona Desecration

1 March 2016

It's time to put an END to the balloons, helicopters, fleets of pink jeeps
And ATV,s  that are desecrating Sedona,s wilderness areas.
The wilderness commons are being abused by money hungry tourist
Outfits that our filling our skies with noisy planes, repeated helicopter fly- overs and invasive morning balloon flights.  There are so many helicopters flying over our red rock country that it feels like we,re in Vietnam.  There,s no place one can hike or bike in Sedona,s sacred wilderness without being visually and auditorially assaulted by noisy
Tourist fly-overs and jeep/ATV incursions.
If this desecration and insanity is not put to an END willingly, then it will
Be put to an END by force.  By force, I mean by an economic collapse, which is now quickly coming down the pike in America.  The town of Sedona needs to radically scale back the invasive tourist industry here and instead work to build a local economy based on renewable solar energy (we have lots of sun) and locally produced organic food (we can plant fruit and nuts trees everywhere).  Let's us also work to completely terminate all gas-guzzling cars and SUV,s from our streets.
It's time for the town of Sedona to shift to a car-free transportation grid within its city limits.  That means shifting to walking, bicycling, electric vehicles and frequent electric free shuttles up and down main st.  In the municipality of Zermatt, Switzerland, they have banned all cars from their town.  Automobiles are parked 5 miles away in large parking lots with easy access to Zermatt via frequent rail service.  There,s no reason Sedona can,t do the same and end the insanity on main St that only causes gridlock, congestion, frustration, chaos and pollution of our local environment.
Who wouldn't,t like to stroll down main st in peace, solitude and quiet reverence, while enjoying the trees, the birds singing, talking to our neighbors, taking in the sun and enjoying the spectacular red rock beauty of nature all around us, without all the noise, chaos and insanity that the automobile brings to our environment?
This invasive tourist based industry needs to terminated.  Our nation and our world are being transformed into intelligently designed transportation
Grids and green, sustainable modalities of living and being.  The quantum shift towards the establishment of ecologically based communities is already underway.  Clean water, clean and abundant locally produced organic food, free energy and healthy, upright communities are our birthright on this planet.  Let's us all now work to put an end to the tourist cancer that is destroying our local community and learn to build the sustainable, green, wilderness protecting community we all are longing to live-in.

Steve Jones
Global environmentalist
Sedona Arizona

saving the planet:

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

ET From My Perspective/New Paradigm Institute

ET From my Perspective

"busty theseal" <>
Jan 20, 2016 11:30:20 AM
Daniel Sheehan                                      21 Jan 2016
New Paradigm Institute
Berkeley, California

Enclosed is my contribution to your project at the New Paradigm Institute.  You probably won't agree with it, but, who knows, maybe you will.  I hope you will, at least, honor and respect my contribution regarding my perspective on ET nonetheless.

I've been a social activist for many years (see my bio at the end of all my online books), as i know you have been these past many years.  In this high regard, i believe we are on the same page.
I just see the resolution to the many crises' in human and celestial affairs in a different light, perhaps.   Everybody is seeing and experiencing things from different perspectives and angles.
Yet, i'm sure you will agree that it is in the diversity of all viewpoints that the truth can ultimately be found.  That is why i always honor different, and many times, controversial perspectives on subjects of interest.  I have made intellectual and spiritual 180 degree turnarounds more than once in my lifetime.

This subject of aliens and ET's is a very lofty intellectual and spiritual inquiry.  As i noted in my submission (below), it is a gateway issue into many exciting and cutting edge intellectual, technological and spiritual perspectives and developments on Earth.  Time travel, telepathy, teleportation, interdimensional and supra-dimensional life and intelligence, non-human/non-physical life forms, hyperdimensional physics, scriptural eschatology, consciousness, advanced cosmic civilizations, soul evolution, life after death, remote viewing, the quest for immortality etc... are all extremely fascinating subjects to behold and to pursue.  One thing is for sure, these are definately exciting, enlightening and revolutionary times to be living in!

The overall thrust of my submission incorporates and includes most, if not all, of these issues.  Yet, they
would have to be fleshed out in due course, obviously.  Lastly, it is my sincere hope that this submission will add an important plank
into the discussion regarding our collective ability as a species to come to grips with ET.


Steve Jones
aka- Jonas the Prophet
Sedona Arizona


***NOTE- For more background and detail on my perspective on ET and other tangential issues, i refer you to my "online bookz" section in the above website link.  This submission is also the introduction to my latest online book entitled, "The Alien Agenda".


The alien, ufo, extraterrestrial enigma is a gateway phenomenon that opens doors to many of life's most existential questions regarding life and the nature of reality. Mankind's purpose, destiny and evolution as a species is intimately entwined in his search for life beyond earth.
The search for a new paradigm of human existence has evolved and spread its creative inquiry into many areas of spiritual, scientific and intellectual pursuit. Some of these vectors include: remote viewing, out of body experiences, near death experiences, psychic and paranormal phenomenon, lucid dreaming, the quest for immortality, astral travel, time travel, teleportation and the development of a coherent scientific new physics that points to the fact that we live in a multidimensional universe.
On the outer, more dense physical level, this quest has been translated into the search for exoplanets, the development of anti-gravitic and hyperdimensional space craft and travel and, of course, the search for life extension technology in the hopes of merging man with machine, otherwise known as transhumanism.
After much research, meditation and discernment regarding the world's scientific and spiritual pursuits, I have come to the conclusion that we are primarily embedded in a monotheistic (belief in one God) cosmology of creation and evolution. This is not to discount or disregard the truths, laws, paths, teachings and enlightenment found in Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism etc... however, i believe that the highest fullfillment and discovery of ultimate truth is to be found primarily in the great monotheistic texts and religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

* * *

Scientifically, I have come to the conclusion that the entirety of all monotheistic scripture, religion and faith collectively comprises the revelation, existence and proof of a highly advanced extraterrestrial civilization intervening in the destiny and affairs of mankind. This truth represents a quantum leap, or revolution, in human consciousness and perception, unifying both science and religion in the common quest and confirmation of life and existence beyond our world.
On the ground, this has translated into numerous sightings of UFO's, ET craft and hyperdimensional apparitions over the years. However, it is my conclusion that the majority of these experiences are demonic in nature and originate within the fallen angelic hierarchy of angels who fell with Lucifer in the Fall as recorded in all monotheistic scripture.
Yes, these sightings and experiences are highly intelligent, embued with superior cunning and craft, and are most likely able to harness the hyperdimensional attributes of the multiverse to their own full advantage. The jury is still out though, from my perspective, on the nature of the "craft" they seem to be operating out of. It is possible they transport themselves in highly advanced hyperdimensional super-luminal craft, however, this could be a deception. They could be using this image to mask or hide their real appearance and take on a more terrestrial cloak so as to mimic many of the highly advanced terrestrial 'black budget' anti-gravitic craft that have been developed by the military-industrial-intelligence-security complex these past decades.
Regarding exopolitics and our relations with these beings, I believe Alfred Webre and his books detailing his understanding of the "Omniverse" is particularly revelatory and pertinent to our evolving consciousness in this new paradigmatic cosmological understanding. Mr Webre has theorized that in addition to a physical universe embedded within a multidimensional multiverse, there also exists a highest dimensional spiritual universe of sorts that includes supra-dimensional extraterrestrial life forms, as well as an all encompassing "all that is" reality that factors in the existence of a supreme being, or God.
Hence, the configuration of an Omniverse of cosmic creation- all inclusive, all encompassing and holographically omnipresent everywhere at all times. The physical, interdimensional and supradimensional spiritual domains are all included in this new omniverse cosmology.

* * *

In my estimation, the ET's or aliens we are witnessing today externalizing into our physical space/time continuum originate within the fallen angelic kingdom, which is primarily based in a higher hyperdimensional plane of existence (from the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions if one recognizes a 7th dimensional multiverse model). They are dark, malevolent, treacherous, malicious, cunning, highly intelligent and insidiously evil to the very core, of this there can now be no doubt. Their task has been to not only feed off the psychic energy of terrestrial mankind, but to direct its evolution towards a state of being completely contrary to the natural evolutionary impulse and trajectory as provided by the Creator (God). Thus, it must be duly noted that the true Alien Agenda of our time is one of deceit, deception and ultimate destruction on a massive scale with regards to humanity's future.
Masking themselves as benevolent aliens, ET's and interdimensional beings from distant star systems (which may very well be true, depending on the level of quarantine they are under) they are, in fact, devils and demonic creatures of the highest order- that includes both light and dark catagorizations. It must always be remembered that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Today, they are hell-bent on enslaving humanity- with the coming "mark of the beast" (see Revelations 13)- through the humans they control, overshadow and influence, particularly via the upper echelons of the International Jewish Rothschild Banking Cartel based in the European Union, the projected HQ of future world government.
There will be NO PEACE on this planet until ALL of these fallen angelic creatures are overthrown and permanently removed from off the face of this planet for all time. The Kingdom of Heaven, the most highly advanced alien or ET interdimensional/supradimensional civilization in known existence- from which the fallen Luciferian angelic rebellion came forth- is slated to completely overthrown and punish (in Hell) those fallen alien/extraterrestrial beings who have caused so much pain, suffering, misery, death and destruction among mankind these past many millennia. Judgement Day is the appointed time for all. This has been written down, prophesized and recorded all throughout monotheistic scripture; in the Torah, the Gospel and the Koran, as well as in the Book of Enoch.

* * *

In conclusion, the Alien Agenda before us presents Mankind with its very first CONTACT with extraterrestrial life. Albeit, demonic, malevolent and fallen, it is first contact nonetheless. It is my humble opinion that this new ET contact motif will be used to unify Mankind at the end of days. These fallen creatures will be seen as "gods" come down to rescue a fallen and self-destructive humanity and will most likely be embraced by the majority as such. Hence, an emerging platform for an alien savior to arise, proclaim himself "god" on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and bring all to serve, honor and ultimately worship him as such. There can be no other doubt that this will be the dreaded Antichrist found in the Book of Revelations.