1 March 2016
It's time to put an END to the balloons, helicopters, fleets of pink jeeps
And ATV,s that are desecrating Sedona,s wilderness areas.
The wilderness commons are being abused by money hungry tourist
Outfits that our filling our skies with noisy planes, repeated
helicopter fly- overs and invasive morning balloon flights. There are
so many helicopters flying over our red rock country that it feels like
we,re in Vietnam. There,s no place one can hike or bike in Sedona,s
sacred wilderness without being visually and auditorially assaulted by
Tourist fly-overs and jeep/ATV incursions.
If this desecration and insanity is not put to an END willingly, then it will
Be put to an END by force. By force, I mean by an economic collapse,
which is now quickly coming down the pike in America. The town of
Sedona needs to radically scale back the invasive tourist industry here
and instead work to build a local economy based on renewable solar
energy (we have lots of sun) and locally produced organic food (we can
plant fruit and nuts trees everywhere). Let's us also work to
completely terminate all gas-guzzling cars and SUV,s from our streets.
It's time for the town of Sedona to shift to a car-free
transportation grid within its city limits. That means shifting to
walking, bicycling, electric vehicles and frequent electric free
shuttles up and down main st. In the municipality of Zermatt,
Switzerland, they have banned all cars from their town. Automobiles are
parked 5 miles away in large parking lots with easy access to Zermatt
via frequent rail service. There,s no reason Sedona can,t do the same
and end the insanity on main St that only causes gridlock, congestion,
frustration, chaos and pollution of our local environment.
Who wouldn't,t like to stroll down main st in peace,
solitude and quiet reverence, while enjoying the trees, the birds
singing, talking to our neighbors, taking in the sun and enjoying the
spectacular red rock beauty of nature all around us, without all the
noise, chaos and insanity that the automobile brings to our environment?
This invasive tourist based industry needs to terminated.
Our nation and our world are being transformed into intelligently
designed transportation
Grids and green, sustainable modalities of living and being. The
quantum shift towards the establishment of ecologically based
communities is already underway. Clean water, clean and abundant
locally produced organic food, free energy and healthy, upright
communities are our birthright on this planet. Let's us all now work to
put an end to the tourist cancer that is destroying our local community
and learn to build the sustainable, green, wilderness protecting
community we all are longing to live-in.
Steve Jones
Global environmentalist
Sedona Arizona
saving the planet: